package.list=c("tidyverse","ggsci","ggh4x","aplot","RColorBrewer","ggpubr","cowplot","grid","ggplotify") for (package in package.list) { if (!require(package,character.only=T,…
library(tidyverse) library(ggsci) df <- read_csv("data.csv") p <- read_tsv("group.xls") %>% left_join(.,df,by="sample") %>% unite(.,col="group",group1:group2,sep="_",rem…
# #一、数据录入 data <- read.table("温度水分字母.txt",sep="\t",header=TRUE,encoding = "UTF-8")#导入数据 head(data)#查看数据 #二、评…
library(tidyverse) #install.packages("spiralize") library(spiralize) library(ComplexHeatmap) #devtools::install_github("jokergoo/ComplexHeatmap") library(cowplot) library(magi…
rm(list=ls()) library(pacman) pacman::p_load(tidyverse,psych,reshape,ggtree,aplot) #对genus进行读取,转置,转为数据框 table1 <- read.delim("genus.xls",header =T,sep="\t", row.names = 1,c…
--- title: "Figure 2. Random-forest model detects bacterial taxa that accurately predict indica and japonica subspeciation." author: "Yong-Xin Liu" date: "2019/2/20" output: h…
--- title: "Figure 1. Root microbiota of indica and japonica. " author: "Yong-Xin Liu" date: "2019/2/20" output: html_document --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chun…
gapminder<-read.csv("gapminder.csv",header = T) library(ggplot2) p <- ggplot(data = gapminder, mapping = aes( x = year, y = lifeExp, group = country)) p1<-p + geom_li…
#可以将测序基因组与已知基因集直接进行 blast 比对,然后将比对上的序列提取出来作为基因。 #基因组: NC_009648.1 #质粒: NC_009649.1…
#参考 #Zhu Q, Kosoy M, Dittmar K. HGTector: an automated method facilitating genome-wide discovery of putative #horizontal gene transfers. B…